The final "13 reasons why" brought fans to tears touching kameo


The series "13 reasons why", based on the novel of Jay Escher, first entered the screens in 2017. The tragic story about schoolchildren who ended with suicide Hanna Baker (Catherine Langford) immediately won the hearts of the audience, so it is not surprising that soon the show was decided to extend.

But all the good ever ends, and the other day fans had to finally say goodbye to Claie Jensen (Dylan Minnet) and his friends. The final episode turned out to be very touching, and largely on his atmosphere affected the short appearance of Hannah.

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The last time the Langford character was part of the plot in the second season, and the more valuable was the moments that Hanne and Clai finally. This important scene occurred in the gym when Clay once again thought about what happened and seems to finally gained peace of mind.

His vision differed from those that happened in the second season of the series. At this time, Hannah looked like during their first meeting - there was a lace dress in blue, and long hair fell on the shoulders. And even though the audience seemed that heroes are waiting for the last conversation, which finally liberated Clai, this did not happen, because the whole magic of moment destroyed a suddenly appeared student.

But fans were enough and what they had time to see. "I cried on this scene, I swear! I really missed Hannah Baker and Clai Jensen! " - Shared emotions one of the fans of the show. Another fan noticed: "I watched this series from the first day! It covers many of the problems that we face today! " "It didn't cry so much since Hannah," said the third.

Previously, the representative of Netflix stated that the fourth season "13 reasons why" will be the last, since the story will come to "natural conclusion."

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