The creator of the punisher against the fact that the police wore his symbol in the form of a skull


The punisher is considered to be one of the most severe characters Marvel. And since he is a former soldier who has assumed the mission to combat crime, it is not surprising that he has many fans in law enforcement and army. But, as it turned out, it is not always good.

During the recent protests caused by the murder of George Floyd, it turned out that some policemen assigned the punisher symbol and now wear bandages with a skull. It goes against Marvel, because the studio publicly supported the Black Lives Matter movement, and Disney promised to allocate $ 5 million to help him.

The creator of the punisher against the fact that the police wore his symbol in the form of a skull 127306_1

Now the fans deployed a whole campaign, demanding that the studio, at the disposal of which there are the most professional lawyers, has forbidden to use the punisher symbol in such a way. I agree with this and the creator of the character Jerry Conway. He declared:

As for the debates about whether the symbol of the punisher can be a symbol of justice is an open question. But what he definitely should not be, so it is a symbol of oppression.

Of course, in the current political situation, the initiation of a claim for a violation of copyright directed against the police would be a controversial decision. On the other hand, if Disney will lower the situation on the brakes, it will look hypocritically in the eyes of fans. So the bosses studio have serious reflections ahead.

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