The star "Riverdala" condemned the media for the image of dark-skinned and serial for low salary


According to Tvline, the black-skinned actress Vanessa Morgan, known for the role of Tony Topaz in the series "Riverdale", made a statement in which she condemned racial inequality in Hollywood. Last Sunday, Morgan published on his page to Twitter the accusatory post of the following content:

Tired of how dark-skinned people are represented in the media. Tired of what we are depicted as dangerous and evil thugs that are scared all. I am also tired that in films and serials we are often attracted to the image of flat characters who are playing whites of white actors who play leading roles. Or simply use us as an advertisement of ethnic and racial manifolds, but do not give themselves in the show itself.

The star

If there were some doubts that Morgan hinted at Riverdale, then on Tuesday, the actress brought all the points over "I":

It is very bad that in the main cast I am the only dark-skinned performer. At the same time they pay me less than all. Guys, I can tell about this day. However, my status in "Riverdale" is in no way connected with my comrades / friends on the acting. They do not participate in writing the script. No need to attack them. They do not have copyright, and I know that they support me.

Публикация от Vanessa Morgan (@vanessamorgan)

Morgan joined the "Riverdale" in the second season. Her heroine Tony had romantic relations with Cheryl Bloss (Madeline Petsh), and over time, this couple became one of the main ones in the whole series. By the beginning of the third season, Morgan entered the main acting.

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