Ian Armedge told what to play Sheldon Cooper in Spin-off the "Theory of the Big Explosion"


When it became known that the series "Children's Children" was preparing to reach screens, the fans were in some confusion. All the same, in the image of Sheldon Cooper, someone else, except Jim Parsons, was difficult, but it turned out that Ian Armitage in this role looks no less convincing and funny.

Ian Armedge told what to play Sheldon Cooper in Spin-off the

In a recent interview with CBS Local, the actor said, what he was playing young genius, and admitted that, in fact, they are very similar in nature, because Ian also loves to get people. Those who are familiar with Sheldon know how deftly he knows how to seek his own, literally taking the opponent of Ismor. So the final of the third season of the show, in which the boy still convinced his mother Mary let go to study him in college, was logical for fans.

Ian Armedge told what to play Sheldon Cooper in Spin-off the

Ian said that for him the opportunity to deliver positive emotions to people especially in such a difficult time - a real gift.

I am glad to make people happy and help them run away from all this madness. I think entertaining shows are good in this regard,

- Shared actor. He also compared the current situation with the epoch of the first and second world wars. Ian noticed that then "many musicals were written to cheer up people, and now the TV show came to replace them. At the same time, he expressed the hope that after a pandemic, the demand for high-quality serials would increase even more.

"Sheldon's Childhood" has already been extended to the fourth season, the truth is still unknown when new episodes will come to the screen. In addition, the rights to broadcast the show acquired the HBO Max service, which once again proves the success of the story about a small genius.

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