Tyler Pauzi, Dylan O'Brien and other stars "Volchonka" reunite in honor of the anniversary of the show


McCall cattle and his pack come back. The other day, MTV announced the launch of the new MTV Reunions show, which is intended to combine actors of the most memorable television series in order to collect funds for charity.

The first issue in the new format is scheduled for June 5, and the Virtual Meeting participants will be a Showranner and Custom "Volconka". Among the stars that confirmed participation in the show were Tyler Pauzi (Scott McCall), Dylan O'Brien (Stiles Styles), Max and Charlie Carvers (Eydan and Itan) and other actors, as well as producer Jeff Davis.

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The date of the show is chosen for no accident - it was June 5, 2011 on the screens a pilot episode "Volconka" was released. Fans of the series, being safe at home, will be able to plunge into memories and refresh the brightest moments of mystical history, and at the same time learn the impressions of actors from filming and even curious backstage details. Also, the stars will tell how they cope with all that is happening in these difficult times, and support fans with advice and good wishes.

Tyler Pauzi, Dylan O'Brien and other stars

The TV series "Volchonok" was published on the MGM television channel and almost immediately after the premiere became a real sensation, which eventually resulted in six successful seasons. In the center of the plot was the student of High School Scott McCall (Pauzy) - he was bitten by the werewolf, and the teenager had to make every effort to cope with the dangerous consequences for himself, his friends and family.

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