The creators of "guys" presented two new posters of the second season


The official Twitter account of the series "Guys" shared a portion of the promoter facilities to the upcoming second season of the series. At one of the frames of "boys" demonstrate their attitude to the superhero "Seven" team, showing a well-known gesture with a rented middle finger. On the other poster together collected frames with members of "seven", thoughtfully looking into the windows. The train A, Queen Maiv and Starlight fell on the poster. No information that makes it clear what superheroes think about, the creators of the series did not add to the post. Therefore, the version that even superheroes are thinking about the benefits of self-insulation during a pandemic, no worse than others.

The creators of

The creators of

The plot of the second season is not disclosed. It is known that a new superheroine storm will appear in it, and the storyline of Black Noura (Nathan Mitchell) will appear. In addition, at the end of the first season, Billy Butcher, the leader of the "guys", learned that his wife Beckka, for the death of which he tweems superheroes, in fact alive. This news should also be developed in the second season.

The premiere of the second season will be held in 2020, but the exact date has not yet been reported. Showranner Eric Kripka promised not to delay with the announcement of the date of the premiere. Even before the release of the second season, the series extended to the third.

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