Filming 3 Seasons "Poland" will begin in August


The comedy-dramatic series about adolescents "Poland" is one of the hits of the Netflix stream service. At the moment, the British TV show has two seasons, while the filming of the third had to start at the beginning of the current month. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, producers had to abandon the initial plans, postponing work for an indefinite period. According to Deadline with reference to its sources, Netflix finally expects to start working on new series in August.

However, the official announcement from NetFlix has not yet been followed, as these are only preliminary calculations that may change depending on the further situation with CODIV-19. It is reported that the acting of "Poland" is looking forward to the opportunity to return to work. It is obvious that for some time staying on the set will be associated with a mass of precautionary and restrictions.

The fact that "sexual education" was extended to the third season, it became known in February of this year. TV show finds a response of both ordinary spectators and critics who praise him for a genuine approach to sexuality issues and the lack of discrimination. The first two seasons of the series are available for viewing on NetFlix.

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