The coordinator of the tricks of "very strange affairs" promises epichny, full surprises season 4


Caskaster and specialist in the formulation of the tricks of Hiro Coda made a glorious career in Hollywood - on his account work on many TV shows, including Mentalist, "Big Little Lies", "Ozark" and others. At the moment, the code works as an assistant director, as well as the leading tricks on the filming of the fourth season of "very strange cases." The other day the code gave an interview to the ComicBook portal, in which he shared his expectations from the new series of the popular series:

About the fourth season I can only say that ... he will be greasy. He will be epic. You are waiting for many big surprises with the participation of your favorite heroes. It will be great, it will be large. I have already managed to familiarize yourself with the scenarios of eight episodes, and I am delighted with them. Before the work was interrupted, we managed to post two episodes.

The code also commented on the difficulties with which cinematographers will have to face when returning to work in the conditions of a decline in Pandemic:

Now we are waiting for the resumption of work and clarity regarding the work schedule. The president [USA] issued instructions, according to which the country will return to the normal life in stages. Some companies will allow working with the involvement of 25% of their employees, later this share may increase to 40% or so. But in our case, 100% involved in people involved. During work, we would be able to comply with the rules of social distance, wearing masks, gloves and all that, but actors and cascaders will have problems with it. They will have to remove masks and be direct contact with each other.

The coordinator of the tricks of

The release of the fourth season of "very strange affairs" was scheduled for September, but due to the delay in the production of the premiere will be held either at the end of this year, or at the beginning of 2021.

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