Spin-off "Real Gaps" extended the third season


The FX cable channel reported that the second season of the series "What we are busy in the shade" looked at an average of 3.2 million viewers, which is 25% more than at the first season. As a result, it was decided to extend the series on the third season. One of the executives of FX Entertainment Nick Gread, reporting on the decision, said:

We are incredibly happy that critics and viewers actively support our project. Week for weeks producers, screenwriters and our stunning cast make one of the funniest TV shows on television.


In the series, based on the film, Jemain Clement and Thai Vaititi "Real Games" 2014, tells about the group of vampires, many years living in New York. The group includes Nandor Ruthless, Great Warrior from the Ottoman Empire (Kaywan Novak), British Vampire Laslo, Dandy and Pijon (Matt Berry), his mistress Nadia (Natasia Demetriu), as well as servant Nandora Guillermo, a person who dreams of becoming a vampire (Harvey Guillen). In the second season, as a guest star, the role of the vampire, which for several centuries for several centuries has not been to gain duty from Lasshlo, performed by the famous "Star Wars" franchise Mark Hamill.

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