Clark Gregg replied, will return to the role of agent Kolson after the final "Agents Sh.I.T."


Clark Gregg plays Agent Fila Kolson since the Iron Man marked the beginning of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2008. After that, he appeared in the sequel of the film, and in the Torah, while tragically did not die in the Avengers.

Fortunately for fans, Gregg's character got a rebirth, and with him and her own show - "Agents Sh.I.T.". There he also had to die more than once, but Clark invariably returned to his role. And now that the series comes to an end, the audience does not tolerate to find out what the fate of the Kolson will be.

In a recent interview with Variety, the actor himself answered this question extremely uncertain.

It seems now really the right time to declare that ... I really don't know

- Jack Gregg. And then admitted that it could hardly imagine the alignment, in which he refused to play phila again.

I am always delighted when I see how they change the temporary framework and create a multi-model inside the common universe. And sometimes I speak: "But I saw the scenarios in which I would have a place!" So with this character I learned to never say "never", but I am also grateful for what I have already managed to get

- Actor confessed.

So, nothing is known about the future plans of Kolson, but Gregg is clearly ready to return to this role. In the meantime, the fans look forward to the beginning of the seventh season "Agents Sh.I.T.", which starts on May 27.

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