The series "The Bluddy Son" extended the second season


Fox TV channel declared the extension of the "Prodigal Son" series for the second season. There is no accurate date of display of the new season. Given the complexity with the film production caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the series has an exemplary date of the premiere "In the middle of the film 2020/21". Representative of the channel Michael Thorn, reporting on the extension of the series, said:

Since the premiere of the "prodigal son", the fans were fascinated by the talented game of Tom Pain and Michael Tire, when they face each other in some of the most unique family relationships on television. This is added no less convincing images of the entire cast in the brilliant premiece. We would like to thank the directors and producers, as well as Warner Bros. Television for creating a series. And we are very glad that he will return to our channel in a new television season.

The series

The series "The Blind Son" talks about the criminal psychologist Malcolmka, Brey (Tom Pane), who understands the psychology of serial killers, because his father, Dr. Martin Whitley (Michael Shin), he himself was a serial killer on the nicknamed surgeon. Malcolm helps the police of New York to disclose crimes, and Martin hopes to establish relations with his prodigal son.

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