Good news: Showranner "Guys" shared updated information about 2 season


The Antisuperochian TV series "Guys" can return to the ether earlier than many expect. According to the creator of the TV show Erica Kripk, the post-production of the second season "Patsanov" entered its final stage - in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic, the production of new episodes continues in remote format. Having posted on his page on Twitter photo with the acting series, Kripka wrote that the creative team of "guys" at the moment finishes work on special effects and sound. In addition, Showranner said that the date of the premiere of the new season will be announced in the near future:

I am often asked to share some news about the "boys", so that here: we finish the second season remotely. We still need to refine the visual effects and sound, but it remains very little! The date of the premiere (as well as other cool buns) will be announced soon!

Good news: Showranner

Earlier this year, the creek intrigued fans, promising that the second season would be even more twisted than the first. According to him, it will largely be possible thanks to the introduction of a new heroine in the plot named Stormfront, which Aya Cash will play. Interestingly, in comics stormfront - a man's neo-oscillator character, but the creators of the series decided to make a woman from him.

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