Showranner "13 reasons why" explained why he finishes the series for 4 seasons


Showranner "13 reasons why" in an interview with Entertainment Weekly explained why the fourth season of the series will be final.

In the first season we had a very strong idea of ​​the novel, mysterious death and gradual disclosure of the mystery. Spectators get the opportunity to delve into the secrets that every teenager has. Initially, we wanted to make your own set of characters for each season and their mystery. But during the work on the first season they managed to love exactly these heroes. And we ourselves wanted to know that it would happen next. Our travel star has always been the death of Hannah and the recording remaining after it. Somewhere in the middle of the second season, I began to think where it would lead to us, and quickly reached the point that the story would be completely told in four seasons.

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I have always been suspicious of youth serials that last more than four seasons. Because the older school is four years. When such a show lasts seven or eight seasons, then I, of course, look, but I feel some suspicions. We will give our heroes to prom in school. And this is quite a logical point in history. For a long time, when we still did not know how many seasons we can do, we knew that the fourth season would be the last

- concluded a screenwriter.

The premiere of the new season will be held in June of this year on Netflix.

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