We are waiting for the series? Channel AMS bought the rights to "Vampire Chronicles" Ann Rice


In December 2019, the writer Ann Rice returned himself to the shielding of his novels, stopping the agreement with the Hulu service. After almost half a year, it became known that Rice concluded a new agreement with the AMC channel. In a press release of the channel, they were reported that they received the rights to the adaptation of 18 novels of the writer, which are included in two cycles - "Vampire Chronicles" and "Mafe-Witch". Details of the transaction are not disclosed, but it is assumed that the transaction gives an indefinite right to the production of films and television series. The amount of the transaction is estimated at $ 30-40 million. Ann Rice herself and her son Christopher will take part in filmmaking.

We are waiting for the series? Channel AMS bought the rights to

The writer commented on the transaction:

I always dreamed of seeing two of my largest series to be combined under the same roof, so that the directors could explore the relationship of the worlds of vampires and witches. And this dream has become a reality as a result of one of the most significant and exciting transactions in my life.

Previously, two novels from the "Vampire Chronicles" cycle were already shielded. The film "Interview with the Vampire" of 1994 with Tom Cruise in the lead role received several nominations for Oscar, as well as several Prizes "Saturn" and BAFTA. The film of 2002 "The Queen of the Damned", in which the role of the Vampire of Lestat was performed by Stuart Townsend, was almost unnoticed.

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