"Ship Night" closed after the second season


According to the Deadline portal, USA Network channel has decided to close the Ship Night series after the second season. The first season of the series was very popular, but in the course of the second interest of the audience gradually fell. Due to the fact that the project was very expensive in production, USA Network refused to extend the contract for the third season.

The series is based on a series of films "Ship Night". In the plot, in order to reduce crime, the 28th amendment to the US Constitution is adopted, which allows one of the nights, from 19:00 to 7:00 next morning, to make any crimes for which there will be no punishment. It is believed that this will allow the people to "release steam" and will lead to a decrease in crime on other days.

Two more series were closed for the same reason: expensive in production, but not so popular in the audience, as the channel would like. TV series "Treadstone", based on films about the adventures of James Born, and "As you dare", which is the screening of the novel Megan Ebbott, did not even receive the second seasons, closing after the first.

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