Writer's "Theory of Big Bang" told how Sheldon reacts to Coronavirus


According to one of the Showranner "Theory of the Big Explosion" Stephen Molauro, Sheldon Cooper would have experienced a coronavirus pandemic better than it could be expected. MOLARO wrote scenarios not only for the "theory of a large explosion", but also for the TV series "Childhood of Sheldon", which has three seasons already. In a word, this is the person who is familiar with the famous physicist-Mizophob-Mizantropom-and-even-many-one in one person is better than anyone else. In the fresh interview TVLine Melaro shared that Sheldon would probably even like to sit at home during quarantine:

He was ready for the invasion of zombies, so I think that he was also ready for cataclysms. Probably, he replenished his extensive reserves [antiseptics for hands] Purell, that is, even before the virus became a national threat. I also wonder if I would not awaken in Sheldon a ban on the way out of the house, that walking on the street is not so bad. After all, Sheldon has always been a purely homely cat.


Recall that the Sitter "The Theory of the Big Bang" was published on the CBS TV channel for 12 years. Although scientists of Sheldon and Leonard acted as the main characteristics of the series, as well as their neighbor Penny, with time the circle of main characters has significantly expanded due to the detailed development of secondary characters. The final episode of the television show was released last year.

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