Mark Hamill in the form of real kind of criticism of the 2 season "What we are busy in the shade"


Mark Hamill shared with the ENTERTINMENT WEEKLY edition of his photograph in the image of the character of the series "What we are busy in the shade." The actor will play an old enemy of Laslo's main character, which will suddenly appear, full of desire to revenge.

Mark Hamill in the form of real kind of criticism of the 2 season

Hamill said that it was easy to agree to fulfill this role, because he is a big fan of "real glory", whose spin-off is "what we are engaged in the shadows":

It was Father's Day, I chose with three children to see. I love "Life with Father", but my children rolled their eyes and said that it was a bog. One of the sons suggested "real gaps." I have never heard about this film before, but the fact that children told about him intrigued me. And the project was well thought out and exciting.

Mark Hamill in the form of real kind of criticism of the 2 season

So easily Hamill succumbed to the dark side of power. Although not all on the set was simply:

A serious problem when working with Matt (Matt Berry, the performer of the role of Lasshlo) was the need to observe non-vulnerable when he began to improvise. Each new joke was increasingly obscene. I like Mark Hamill found them funny, but not my character. I had to apply significant efforts so as not to fall out of the image.

The series with the participation of Mark Hamilla will be shown on May 13th.

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