Colin O'Donokhia from "Once in a fairy tale" returned to the image of the captain of the hook for children


The series "Once in the fairy tale" has been completed for two years ago, but the love of his heroes still did not have passed. And they were probably nice to know that the actor who played Killian Jones, better known as the captain of the hook, returned to the role of a cunning pirate for the sake of the good project disney.

Colin O'Donokhia from

Colin O'Donokhye became part of the campaign "365 fairy tales for the night", in which talented actors ever had attracted to the mouse home, take turns read the most famous and beloved fairy tales. When it came to Colin, he was instructed by a very symbolic story - the actor had to acquaint young spectators with the fairy tale of James Matthew Barry "Peter Peng". For the first time, the captain hook appears exactly there, so for O'Donokhe, it was a kind of return to the origins.

The actor played the hook for almost six seasons "once in a fairy tale", and therefore it was not possible to accomplish into the image again for him. And since the project "365 fairy tales for the night" is focused more on the audience of younger age, Colin was heated by what he spoke with different voices and published a rivalry "P", which pirates are so famous.

By the way, adult performance O'Donokhia also appreciated. True, for them it was more valuable to recall the events of the series and dream about the possibility of seeing Spin-off, whose heroes would be killian and his beloved Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison).

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