Star "Strank" Sam Hugheen showed Selfie with the "dead" Jamie Fraser


The other day Sam Hewoon shared with fans of the frame from the crowd of the series "Stranger". He posted a photo on Twitter, on which he filmed himself in the image of Jamie Fraser next to his "dead" twin-mannequin. Fake Jamie was used in the scene, where the hero was poisoned.

Jamie and ... Jamie?

- Signed the Publication of Sam. "You destroyed all the illusions, Sam. Life will no longer be the same "," Two Jamie is better than one, "actor's subscribers responded in the comments.

Earlier Hugewell attracted the attention of the public with a long letter addressed to trolls and heights. The actor wrote in his Twitter that for six years he suffers from bulling, false accusations and threats.

I was accused of manipulating fans that I had a hidden gay, deceiving fans for money and neglecting security advice during coronavirus. Nothing this is true. All this influenced my psyche and my life. Everyone with whom I was connected, and I myself have been subjected to personal insults, threats to death, persecution, slander. I am a normal guy and have nothing to do with the characters that I play,

- Shared to the sophisticated Sam. After that, the letters for Houean stood fans, as well as the colleagues in the series - Katrina Balf and Stephen Cree.



Now Sam is in isolation in Hawaii. He flew there even before Quarantine and was sick for three months. The actor says he decided not to fly home, because the flight implies several transplants.

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