Grant Gastin told how Kameo in the "arrows" helped him become a Flash star


Now on the CW TV channel, the sixth season of the TV series "Flash" comes out, and the charming superhero is so loved to fans, which is already difficult to imagine that at first he did not even have his own show.

Grant Gastin told how Kameo in the

For the first time, Barry Allen performed by Gastina's grant appeared in the second season of the "arrows", becoming part of the plot of the eighth and ninth episodes. But far from everyone knows that the Showranners assumed to show the Chastina character in another episode, which was supposed to become a Flash pilot. This actor told about this in the recent release of the Podcast Inside of You.

According to Grant, "his character was accepted so well that it was decided immediately to remove a separate series." So in the twentieth episode, which was originally conceived as a Flash pilot, the fans saw the death of Mother Oliver Quinna (Stephen Amell) performed by Suzannytompson.

True, it turned out that even "flash" and came fans to taste, Hastin himself collided because of this with certain psychological problems. During the interview, he admitted that he suffers from an impostor syndrome and still could not convince himself that such success was his own merit.

I never think what he deserved what I get, I do not believe that I worked hard for this, and I always believe that someone else worked hard and was more talented. This feeling with whom I struggle all the time,

- Shared actor.

New episodes of Flash come out on the CW television channel on Tuesdays. The series has already been extended at the seventh season.

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