Ed Harris broke the colleague finger on the set of "Wild West World"


Vice-President of Delos, the owner of the "Wild West World", William is so complex and ambiguous personality that his two actors played in the series - Ed Harris and Jimmy Simpson. In the sixth series of the third season "Decoration" William / man in black is solved on psychotherapy using simulation. This leads to the fact that the current William performed by Harris beats the chair of the younger William in the performance of Simpson. And that's what Jimmy Simpson told reporters about the filming of this episode:

Ed Harris was exhausted, as he gave all his strength to destroy a younger version of herself. And when he finished beating me, he stepped on my finger. The little finger was sticking to the side and, unfortunately, was broken when shooting the scene.

Ed Harris broke the colleague finger on the set of

Simpson admitted that after shooting the scene turned to a physician on the set, but he gave only ice to avoid tumor. Only a few days later from another doctor, the actor found out that his finger was broken. Prior to that, he believed that he was separated only by injury.

In addition, Simpson admitted that he hid this fact from Harris for some time. He was afraid that the possible sense of fault of colleagues could affect the relationship between their heroes. And it would be superfluous.

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