"Parks and recreation areas" will return with a special episode


In the Twitter account of the series "Parks and Recreation Zones" a message appeared:

Leslie Novup wants to reveal one secret to you ... On April 30, the series returns to NBC with a special episode.

Leslie Noupe is one of the main actors of the series, she played actress Amy Poler. She told about the details of the appearance of another series five years after the end of the project.

The episode will be devoted to the fight against coronavirus pandemic. The actors took part in the shooting without leaving home. And in the episode, it will be described about how the authorities of the Powney Town are trying to force the inhabitants to observe social distances.

Other stars of the series took part in the filming except Emy Polier. The director was made by the Creator of Parks and Rest Areas, Michael Shur. In a special episode, Rashid Jones, Aziz Ansari, Nick Offnder, Obry Plaza, Chris Prett, Adam Scott, Rob Low, Jim O'Hair and Rett. All income from the broadcast of a special series will be donated to the funds of help victims from a pandemic.

The series "Parks and recreation areas" ended in 2015 after the seventh season. During his show, he became a laureate of many premiums, including the Golden Globe and American Comedy Awards.

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