Caste "Strankranki" supported Sam Huhan, tolerating mockery of 6 years


Last week, the executor of the role of Jamie Fraser in the series "Stranger" Sam Hugewood turned to his subscribers in a long letter. Sam said that the last six years suffers from bulling from the bells.

I was accused of manipulating fans that I had a hidden gay, deceiving fans for money and neglecting security advice during coronavirus. Nothing this is true. I am a normal guy and have nothing to do with the characters that I play. All this influenced my psyche and my life. Everyone with whom I was connected, and I myself were subjected to personal insults, threats to death, persecution, slander,

- he wrote.

His screen wife Katrina Balf passed for Sam.

It is a pity that Sam has to talk about it. I thought such a bastard behavior remained on the school yard. But, unfortunately, the small, but very active part of the fan community decided to spend his strength to write such nasty and false things. Maybe they should send their energy to charity ... The world is huge and beautiful. If we do not like you - find something you like. Life is too short to spend it on hatred,

- She wrote in his Twitter.

Stephen Cree responded, another colleague Sam on the series:

Sam is one of the most pleasant and positive people I know. It is a pity that he was brought to the point that he writes such letters. Since the "alien" has become a world-famous project, Sam for many has become an example, I do not speak about his charitable activities.


Also supporting Houean expressed Sophie Skelton, Lauren Lyle and David Berry.

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