Naruto nodelization embarrassed fans on the level of IQ Boruto


Sicvel manga "Naruto", showing what is happening in Konoch, presented to the audience with sons and Naruto's daughters, and not without surprises. The recent Novel has surprised them by the test results on the IQ, which was Boroto.

Naruto himself has never been one of the smartest in its class, compensating for the lack of intelligence persistence and determination, which in the end helped him become Kohage. As expected, many fans believed that Borutho would like to be on her father. And it turned out that they were mistaken, because the son of the hero proved that it was different from his father, when she showed one of the highest results in the test of IQ in its class.

This is especially surprising if we take into account that Boruto competition was incredibly smart members of the team 7 - Tech Sarati and Mitsuki. And it was only one of many surprises that the continuation of the famous manga brought in recent years.

Naruto nodelization embarrassed fans on the level of IQ Boruto 127483_1

Boruto's abilities were recently subjected to other tests when the young Ninja struggled with Mudzhin's gangsters and with a criminal organization Kara. Both fights became one of the most ambitious of all that saw Konoha, but the main battle is probably still ahead.

Manga "Boruto: The next generation of Naruto" goes to the screens since April 2017 and now has 151 episodes.

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