Documentary series "King of Tigers" ahead of "Very weird business"


The project of the NetFlix service "King of Tigers: Murder, Chaos and Madness" shows amazing results for the documentary series. According to the analytical company Nielsen, for the first 10 days of the show, the series watched 34.3 million unique viewers in the United States. What surpasses the result of the second season of "very strange cases", which in 10 days attracted 31.2 million people to the screens. But somewhat inferior to the third season of this series with a result of 36.3 million. Nielsen's methodology takes into account views only on TVs, leaving views on computers or mobile devices.

Documentary series

Netflix service uses its views system. The viewer is considered to have looked at any project if he watched him for more than two minutes. The authors of the technique proceed from the fact that two minutes - enough time to make a decision, you should look further or not. At the same time, the product format itself is not taken into account. After two minutes of viewing, the viewer is taken into account as looked at the film or the series of the series entirely.

With this system of counting the "King of Tigers" recently occupies the first place among all projects in the United States. The interest of the audience to the hero of the series Joe Exotic is so large that during the press conference of the US President Donald Trump, he was asked to pardon exotic. Trump promised to think over this issue.

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