Two episode "Doctor Who" were recognized by dangerous for children


At the classics of the series "Doctor Who" is not an easy fate. The show went to the screens two and a half decades, while he was not closed in 1989, but at the beginning of the 2000s, the new generation of BBC managers, which herself had grown, watching the adventures of the lord of the time, decided to give him another chance.

Revival the cult show was commissioned Russell T. Davis, and he spent a truly good job, making a bet on Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor) and Billy Piper (Rose Tyler). As a result, the first season of rebuta received thousands of enthusiastic reviews, and after that the "Doctor Who" began a new life.

Two episode

True, the Hero of Eccleston faced criticism from the British Council on the Classification of Films, and two episodes with his participation were even recognized by dangerous for children. All because of the cruel behavior of the Ninth Doctor, who, having met his sworn enemies distant, was going to destroy them.

Presented the Council noted that they were "concerned about the use of violence to solve problems."

Doctor - sample imitation for young children, and a good sample should not use torture for his desire to revenge,

- they emphasized.

Two episode

Also, the Council negatively responded about the episode "Restless Dead", in which the Lady of Time went to the past to meet with some creatures that were victims of the time war. Nothing particularly terrible is happening there, but the type of corpses pacing everywhere in the gloomy Victorian clothes someone really can scare.

As a result, the first season of restarting "Doctor Who" due to these two episodes is not recommended for watching children. And yet, despite the criticism, the number of fans of the show is only growing, and they are already looking forward to a new meeting with the thirteenth doctor performed by Jodie Whittaker.

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