David Harbor from "very strange affairs" gave fans phone number and asked to write him


In the difficult time, the stars are looking for opportunities to become closer to fans, and David Harbor, known for the role of Sheriff Hopper in the series "Very weird business," went on the rest. On the eve, he published a phone number in his Instagram account, to which everyone can send a message and tell how they spend time on quarantine.

This proposal made directly in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic showed how much the actor sympathizes and is trying to find ways to combine those who need help. Harbor called not to send him recognition in love for "very strange affairs", but to tell what people do, how they are doing work with work and money, and simply share the experiences that the situation in the world is inevitably connected.

David Harbor from

David noted that due to the large flow of contacts, he will not be able to answer everyone, and someone's message may not see at all, but emphasized that "will try to assemble the database of fans and friends to understand whether simple ways to contact and help each other Friend in the future. "

David Harbor from

The nearest appearance of Harbor on the screens was expected in the film "Black Widow", but the film premiere had to be transferred, and it is still unknown when the fans will eventually meet with red guard. The filming of the fourth season of "very strange cases", in which the actor will return to the role of Hopper, are also frozen due to coronavirus.

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