The creators of the "maid story", the "Wild West World" and other shows feel guilty for the alarm of people


Journalists The New York Times decided to find out that those whose work consists in coming up with terrifying alternative realities, now that life becomes like their works. And they took interviews from the creators of various TV shows. Do they experience the feeling of guilt for the fact that people scared? Will there be current events of some influence on their further work?

The creators of the

The "maid story", based on the novel, Margaret Evwood, tells about America, devastated diseases and environmental disasters and turned into a totalitarian state. "Modified carbon" on the novel Richard Morgana talks about the future, where immortality is possible, but not for everyone. The adaptation of the thrilliora Michael Crychton "The World of the Wildend" tells about the enslaved robots in the world of low morality and cruel economic inequality. This is what the creators of these TV shows say.

The creators of the

Showranner of the series "Major Story" Bruce Miller admitted:

It is impossible to distract from the feeling of guilt for making people worrying. But this shows that there is a television that tell people about the device of this world.

Showranner of the science fiction series "Modified carbon" Alison Shapker believes that this is a double-sided process. It causes discomfort in the audience with its work, and their discomfort will find a display in subsequent work.

Television has become a fundamental means of sharing information. And we must handle what is happening. My work always relies on the events of life I live. And suddenly this life was completely inverted.

One of the authors of the "Wild West World" Lisa Joy considers:

In history there were numerous periods of wars, diseases, contention, poverty. It would be too arrogant to believe that we have developed immunity from such and with us nothing like that can happen.

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