Ji Di and Terk: Zach Braff and Donald Fisson released a podcast about the clinic


Fans of "clinics" in the near future will not be bored. Zach Braff and Donald Fisson, who played in the TV series by Jay Dee and Grater, yesterday officially shared the first release of the Podkaster Fake Doctors, Real Friends, during which he looked and discussed the pilot episode show.

A brilliant idea to plunge into the atmosphere "Clinics" and more about the audience came to the viewers back in February. The actor actively leads social networks and always friendly communicates with fans, and therefore they asked them, I wonder if they will watch the series and listen to the comments of those who took part in its creation.

Naturally, the fans have approved the idea, and now the podcast has become a reality. Considering how much around the negative, the time for launching the project is simply the perfect, and the reflection of Braff and Fason will surely make listeners more than once smile. In the first issue, the actors discussed how the image of John Dorian was folded, and at the same time they shared some scribal details of the series. It is already known that in the future guests Fake Doctors, Real Friends will be another actors who adored the spectators, as well as Showranner Bill Lawrence.

Interest in the clinic, even after many years, it is easy to explain: the show is considered to be one of the best Sitkovs in the history of television, which is confirmed by numerous awards. And a new trip to the Sacred Heart Hospital in the company of favorite heroes will be a real gift for fans in this difficult time.

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