The finals of the "Anatomy of Passion" will take place for four weeks ahead of time


As the Hollywood Reporter reports, ABC TV channel decided to completely stop the production of the series "Anatomy of Passion" due to the coronavirus pandemic. In this regard, it was officially announced that the episode "Make a funny face", the release of which will be held on April 9, will become the last within the framework of the 16th season. Thus, the current season will limit only to 21 series instead of the scheduled 25. Initially, the final episode of the 16th season was to go out in early May.

Work on the "Anatomy of Passion" was interrupted in mid-March. Producers were hoping to resume production after two weeks, but the deterioration of the situation with Coronavirus forced ABC to abandon the idea to take the remaining episodes. Earlier, the series was extended for the 17 season, and it was expected that work on it will begin in July, but now these plans are also in question. In addition, the creators will have to break their heads over how to complete the storylines scheduled in the 16th season.

The finals of the

"Anatomy of Passion" is far from the only show that suffered due to the spread of coronavirus. For example, on March 24, it became known that AMC TV channel decided to reduce the 10th season of the "walking dead."

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