Showranner "Sons Anarchy" finally answered one of the mysteries of the series


The last season of the "Anarchy's Sons" answered most of the questions, but one of the main mysteries remained unanswered. A homeless woman appeared in some of the most important points throughout the seven seasons of the "sons of anarchy" in the frame. The creators never explained who she was such and what goals is haunting. The theory is popular among fans that this is the reincarnation of Emily Putner, a woman who accidentally deceased during the suicide John Teller. But this version was never officially confirmed.


The character seemed supernatural, so it was impossible to definitely understand, this is a real person or the manifestation of otherworldly forces. One of the fans in social networks recently asked the creator of the series Kurt Satter about the purpose of the homeless woman. Sutter gave an answer, but in his characteristic style, when the explanation puzzles more than the question itself:

She is the magic that anarchy causes, and the morality, which anarchy destroys. It brings light and is a harbinger of darkness. She is Yin and Yang. She is Alpha and Omega. She is the first breath of life and the last sigh of death. She is all you need, and nothing of what you want. She is drunkenness, hunger and shame. She is, me, I and your uncle Murray.

The explanation of Satter does not give clarity who was a homeless woman, but can help fans to understand that it represents himself and what ideas were guided by the creators of the series in the work on this character. A homeless woman is clearly in some kind of divine essence, the beginning and the end of all things. And this is confirmed by a symbolism that accompanies the character in the series. The last time a homeless woman appears in the frame, she has bread and wine, two things whose symbolism is known to each Christian.

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