The "Terminator" star Michael Bean will play in the second season "Mandalortz"


Michael Bin ("Terminator", "Fans") will appear in the second season "Mandalortz". It is known that he will have the role of the head hunter with which Dean Jerine was familiar with the past. There are no other details about the role. Perhaps it will be the character of the second plan. In addition, it is reported that from the first season in the second one will return Maifield performed by Bill Berr.


Earlier it was reported that the actress Rosario Dawson ("City of Sin", "Bohemia") in the second season will play Padavan Anakina Skywalker Asoku Tano. Previously, this character has never appeared in feature films or shows, while quite popular with fans thanks to the multiplication series "Star Wars".


The main hero of the series is a lone mercenary, a representative of the once mighty race of Mandalortians. During the fulfillment of one of the orders, he finds the baby Yoda, a cute green baby, and decides to protect the child. The plot of continuation is not disclosed, but it is assumed that in the second season, Mandalorets will continue to travel around the galaxy, now trying to find the native world of the baby of Yody.

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