Media: Robert Rodriguez spoke director in the 2nd season "Mandalortz"


The closer to the premiere of the second season "Mandalortz", the more rumors appear about the composition of the director's series. Over the eighth series of the first season, five directorists operated in total, no one had more than two episodes. While it was exactly known that in the second season at least one series will again receive Dave Philoney. The operator of the TV series Owoin laid out a frame from filming the second season, where a cracker was visible with the name of the director.

Media: Robert Rodriguez spoke director in the 2nd season

Not so long ago, the Black Series Rebels podkast, specializing in the news about "Star Wars", said that, according to their news, on the second season, directed by James Mangold ("Logan", Ford Vortha Ferrari will be operated on the series), Robert Rodriguez ( "City of sins", "Alita: Combat Angel"), as well as Bryce Dallas Howard, who participated in the first season of the series. James Mangold reacted to the news by post on Twitter, where he said that hearing is false.

The information relative to Rodriguez was confirmed from another source. The HN Entertainment portal said:

Our source among the film creation confirmed that Rodriguez really worked on the "Mandalorets" and this part of the rumors is accurate. Rodriguez do not get used to large-scale visual effects, because he recently removed the science fiction film "Alita: Battle Angel."

The premiere of the second season "Mandalortz" is expected in October.

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