The star of "very strange affairs" Noah Schnappov hates hairstyle Will Baers


It is difficult to find an actor who would fully suit his character. Here is also Noa Schnapp, who played Will Bayers in Netflix Hitflix "Very weird business", despite the magnificent storyline, which fell out the hero, found a reason for the soldier. As it turned out, he just hates hairstyle Will.

The star of

True, after all, everyone who just began to watch this mystical series immediately paid attention to two things characteristic of the younger Bayers - the love of the game "Dungeons and Dragons" and a very strange haircut. The other day, NAA became the guest of the Night Show with Jimmy Fallon, and the presenter did not bypassed the famous hairstyle, calling her "one of the best things on television."

The star of

But the Schnapp with Him, of course, did not agree, having parked immediately:

One of the worst.

The actor admitted that literally all the time asked the creators of the series, why for his character chose just such a hairstyle. What is there, he even agreed to shake sleeping.

Well, indeed, who in the 80s so haughtily? Who would choose this in general!

- exclaimed Noah.

And then it turned out that Fallon prepared a small surprise for the actor. He showed him his own children's photo, made at about the same time in which the series is valid. His haircut, by the way, was much better than Will, so Schnapp even decided to grab a photo with him on the filming of the fourth season, obviously, to defend his hero's right to normal appearance.

Meanwhile, the shooting of the continuation of "very strange affairs" has already begun, so soon fans are waiting for even more news about favorite heroes.

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