Courtney Love is tired of being "drug addicted"


"I was called drug addict for many years, and I was tired of it. I don't want so much. I try to go the right way. I do not use heroin and crack, "says the singer.

Courtney also admitted that now always helps the problemful Hollywood stars: "Lindsay Lohan called me after it was arrested. I told her that we would go together, but she had to believe the judge. " Also to help Courtney Kim Stewart, Paris Hilton and Kelly Osborne, who she saved his life twice due to the dependence of Kelly from drugs.

"Andy Dick somehow slipped me a tablet before the show with the words:" Courtney, take it. It is like Vicodin without aspirin. And Winon Rider gave me the same tablet a few months earlier. I was such a drug addict that she took both pills, not interested in what they represent, "says Love.

But according to her, those days remained behind. She overcame drug addiction from heroin, cocaine and especially amphetamines: "They prescribed my honorable doctor on legal grounds," she says. "But after what happened to Britney Spears a couple of years ago, given that, according to the results of toxicological analysis, she used the same as I, but at a lower form, I decided to tie with this shit."

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