Stanley Tucci told how the 20-flight friendship with the Colin Entrance was kept


Stanley Tucchi and Colin Firth are proud of many years of friendly relations. In a new interview for the Vanity Fair, Tucci spoke about 20-year-old friendship with a colleague and about his new film "Supernova" 2020, in which the Firth played one of the main roles.

Stanley noted that I got acquainted with Colin in 2000, when they shot a joint painting "Conspiracy" for the NVO. Artists played the Nazi officials. During this work, Tucci and Firth were able to quickly find a common language: "Since then, there have been friends. Even when we were separated for a long time. " The artist admitted that they were specially negotiated with each other when one of them came to work to another country, as well as during the film festivals.

The main reason for the strengthening of many years of friendship was the move of Tucci with children to London. The actor decided to move after the death of his wife Kate from cancer in 2009. Stanley admitted: "When I started living here, we became even closer, our children were closer, our families were closer." Friends supported each other in the most difficult periods of life, which strengthened their relationship.

While working on a new picture, colleagues had to even live together to adhere to the shooting schedule. They returned to the families on the weekend by train, the path was approximately 5 hours. At this time, according to Stanley, friends also found topics for conversation.

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