Nikolai Koster Valdau is suiced with the former manager


Littman and its Impression Entertainment Agency represented the interests of Nikolai Kostea-Waldau for almost a decade of the Hollywood period of his career. In 2015, Koster-Waldau has stopped this cooperation, publicly stating that he refuses Littman's services and its agency is not because it goes somewhere in another place, but because it decided to control it yourself.

Now Littman argues that Bonfire Walda did not pay her for the services rendered during the contract, due to the fact that the contract itself is somewhat unusual. According to the initial agreement, the actor had to transfer 10% of his income to the ex-agent, Waldau argued that this agreement was oral and, therefore, no legal force. Then, however, Littman managed to provide the relevant documents - and the court ruled that Waldau had to his former agent 2 million dollars.

This amount of the hole in the actor's budget does not break exactly - for each series in the 8th season "Games of the Thrones" he received a little more than a million dollars. Nevertheless, the lawyers of Nicholas Kostea Waldau have already filed an appeal and requested a repeated court hearing.

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