Mariah Carey arranged a party on the occasion of the upcoming birth


This weekend singer staged a party "Pink and Blue" (because she will have a boy and a girl) on the occasion of her pregnancy. Mariah also prepared a list of gifts that she would like to get. Among them: a set of bedding for a cottage bed for $ 2,000, a children's seat for a car for $ 350, a giraffe for $ 1,200 and, as it were, it sounds surprising, no Hello Kitty sounded!

In principle, for guests, among which there were some media faces, spend on such gifts - not a problem.

In an interview with Life & Style magazine, the future mother shared his impressions: "I have never had a similar party. This is the first, and it was so festive! Nick and I am so grateful to all those who came to celebrate this event with us. The room was filled with love, besides, fans more than 50 countries sent me wishes and stories in the book called "Always Be My Babies", which they themselves did for our twins. That night I will never forget. "

By the way, Mariah answered his fans and friends who visited the party: "Many thanks to all those who came to this child party last night, and everyone who could not go there, but sent such wonderful gifts and sweet messages! We unpacked not all gifts, but how many people from all over the world wanted to be next to us - this is the best gift that we could wish! The book "Always Be My Babies", I certainly became my new valuable ownership, and I can't not thank all those who are involved in writing this book for your letters and wishes. I can not wait for that moment when I read your messages to my twins and give them your love! Thanks to all our friends and family for bringing us such an unforgettable experience. We love you all very much! Mimi & Nick.

It is reported that Carey redested half the house for their twins. "Mariah wanted to paint the walls in the color of ivory and separate them with 18-carat gold, put up soft furniture and fitted wardrobes, full of designer clothes Petit Tresor, says the source. - There will be a better audio system, and each each will be encrusted with iPod diamonds and a flat-screen TV, which will come down from the ceiling. "

In addition, future parents have bought new Chelsea cots at $ 2,200 per each, changing table for $ 2,800, armchairs for Mariah and Nick for $ 2270, which will stand in the children's and 1 million dollars per sofa.

Gemini should be born in late April-early May.

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