"You are sulfur": Anna Sedokova answered the criticism of the dismissed love with Janis Timma


In social networks, Anna Sedokov is often accused of excessive Piara on personal relationships. Many perturbes that the actress allows themselves to publish very frank photos with his spouse. Anna herself is trying to not pay attention to such criticism. However, the charter from permanent heita, she decided to answer all the worships.

Sedokov stressed that in psychology there is such a practice when you constantly repeat some words and after some time you start to believe in them. These words become part of life orientations. Among them, for example, the famous expression "happiness loves silence." However, the singer is confident that everything is individually, and if you want to tell everyone about your love, then you need to do it.

Of course, 2020 began to the artist indicative. She first faced the fact that it was actually locked in his home and because of the closed borders could not meet with his beloved man. Now she understands that everything in this life can change in a short time, and often recalls the words of the spouse, the basketball player Janis Timma: "Even 5 minutes are important."

Anna admitted that she no longer want to undress and hug with some men in the clips. Now she has his own only she tries to give all of himself without a balance. And therefore spend even 5 minutes to make a removed look, she does not want at all. So every time the very personal and emotional photos are obtained.

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"And for those who want my family to live sidently. So not hanging out. As everybody. I want to tell you: not everyone lives! That you live so much. You are sulfur. And you do not have enough responsibility to take and paint this world in bright colors ... And if you do not allow you to live so-so, let others "," Sedokova summed up.

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