"Looks like Monica Bellucci in youth": Anna Sedokova flushed into a dress with a deep neckline


Anna Sedokova, despite his gorgeous forms, still believes that the sexiest part of the person is the brain. She dedicated to this separate post, not forgetting, however, about languidly looking and exciting clothes.

The artist posted a photo on which she appeared in the image reminiscent of the young Monica Bellucci. A long black dress on thin straps and a deep line of decollete was concerned on the saddle. Anna stood in the doorway, supervised her hand on the thigh. The singer threw her head slightly and sensually opened her mouth.

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"Look for a woman with brains. The rest they have the same, "the philosophically signed the frame of the artist.

Anna chose a bright makeup, putting two accents at once. On the lips she applied brown glossy lipstick, and his eyes beyond the sandy shadows led by a black pencil. Hair Star left Lyubilica, giving volume and barking back.

Past of such an image could not pass fans of the singer. They wrote thousands of flattering comments, admiring the appearance of the saddle. "You are so similar here to Monica Bellucci, in her young peak", "damn good", "I first thought that this was a photo of Montika," yes. Over the years, this girl becomes only better. The coolest and talented "," you can not even say that a person is 37 years old "," Well, just poured Monica Bellucci, "her follovers showered Anna compliments.

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