"She is close with his children": Insider told about the personal life of Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas


In the personal life of Ben Affale, everything is calm. According to the source, the actor in excellent relations with the former spouse Jennifer Garner, and his current girlfriend Ana de Armaas gets well with the children of the actor and takes part in their upbringing.

"Ana understands the situation and is close to his children, gets along with them and loves them. Ana and Ben spend a lot of time with the guys, "the source reports.

Insider adds that the ana monitors the fact that Ben engaged in his health and was in shape. Couple trains together, often walks and tries to eat right, healthy food.

Recall, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner lived in marriage for 10 years and after a divorce together raising three children: 15-year-old Violet, 11-year-old Serafin and 8-year-old Samuel.

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With a 32-year-old Armace, a 48-year-old Afflec relationship was tied up with last fall on the film "Deep Water" film. The public learned about their novel when snapshots had a couple of couples in Cuba. Soon, Ana began to spend all his time with Ben and his children. Later, Armas stated that it was ready for a serious relationship and want to build a strong family with "trust and mutual respect."

"Care, respect and ordinary things are what makes life pleasant and interesting. And further. Everything comes in due time, "says Affleck himself.

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