"Come, we will find you a bride!": Russians comforted Ben Affale after parting


Not so long ago it became known that Ben Affleck is free again. A 48-year-old actor broke up with his girlfriend Anya de Armaas. And, according to rumors, he led himself not too beautiful and threw the girl on the phone. Although many fans are confident that the initiator of the rupture still became herself, who did not want to spend all the time in Los Angeles, where the children of Affale from the past marriage live. Armaas prefers to travel and often goes to Cuba. Ben is not soul.

As soon as it became known that Million litez are free, Russian girls decided to support the star in a difficult moment and became in need to offer him to come to visit. On the actor's page in the social network, the Comments left the ladies from Moscow, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Tyumen and many other cities of Russia. They decided that Ben must be saved from depression.

"Benya, we have a big motorboat, it's for the summer, and now a snowmobile, a bath, well, and the forest winter: walks there, the air, the evenings tea is tasty with a ramberry jam, so we are waiting for", "I will feed it with a borsch!", "American Fight, I will go with you. I will leave with you, Moscow, goodbye! "," Ben, do not be sad! So much in Russia, the girls' girls - come, "" come, we will find you a bride! ", - They write the Russian stars account subscribers in vain.

It is worth noting that the Hollywood actor himself did not respond to any of these proposals. But Russians do not despair and continue to send attacking tempting suggestions.

Recall, Ben is the father of three children: 15-year-old Violet, 12-year-old seraphins and 8-year-old Samuel. The mother of all three is actress Jennifer Garner, with which Bin lived in marriage for 13 years and divorced in 2018.

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