Mama Recordsman: Sofa Sophie Ellis-Bekstor gave birth to the fifth son


"He's here! Mickey Jones was born today weighing 7 pounds 1 oz, and it is perfectly beautiful. Welcome to our bizarre little family, my cute. We are so glad that you are with us safe and preservation, "Sophie sophisticated the first photo of her son. The singer captured him on his father's hands, so that fans were able to see only the macushus of the baby. Friends and fans hurried to congratulate a happy couple in comments and wish Mickey health and happiness surrounded by his senior brothers.

The life of Jones Jr. will definitely be uncomfortable. Star spouses are already educated four sons: 14-year-old Sunny, 9-year-old Whale Valentine, 6-year-old Ray Holidea and 3-year-old Jesse. Just a day before the birth of Mickey Sophie spoke in the live Sunday Brunch Live, where he admitted that he left the sex of the child in the secret even for himself. Fans do not get tired to admire strong family relationships of musicians and give the singer advice, how to get a daughter. According to Sophie, she belongs to this with humor and hopes only that her child will be healthy and happy.

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