After 8 miscarriages, Gabriel Union first became his mother


The star of the film "Bad Guys 2" released the autobiography "We need more wine", which told about painful attempts to have children. "I tried to get pregnant for three years. Throughout this time, I was either preparing for Eco, or went through it, or completed the procedure. Over the years I experienced eight or nine miscarriages, "the actress writes. As a result, the spouses were advised and used the services of a surrogate mother.

On November 7, their first daughter appeared on the world, and Gabriel shared joy with subscribers in Instagram. Under three family photos, she wrote: "Wonderful day! We did not sleep, but happy we inform that our wonderful baby was born using a surrogate mother on November 7. Now this date will forever remain in our hearts as the most beautiful day of our life. Welcome to the party, sweet! "

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Daddy's Girl ??????

Публикация от Gabrielle Union-Wade (@gabunion)

The name of the daughter is still unknown. For Gabriel Union, this is the first child, but not the first motherhood experience. Together with his spouse Duene Wade, she raises the three sons from previous marriages. Now in the friendly family has become one girl anymore.

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As parents who are raising black boys in Florida, a "Stand Your Ground" and "Open Carry" state, @dwyanewade and I know firsthand the fear, anxiety and frustration that goes hand in hand when so many demonize, weaponize and criminalize black and brown bodies. This wedding pic is right when the boys were preteens, and the reactions to them started to change from "oh how cute” to “clutch the pearls.” #AmericanSon effectively and beautifully details this experience and we are proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with such a dynamic group of creatives, producers and investors to bring this powerful play to life. We are humbled. We are honored. We are ready. Thank you @kerrywashington for bringing us on board for this incredible journey. @americansonplay

Публикация от Gabrielle Union-Wade (@gabunion)

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