Timati left Anastasia Rachetova alone before childbirth and went to the sea: "Nobody canceled work"


Almost that the scandal broke out in Instagram, when Timati Simon Yunusov's mother published a photo of his granddaughter Alice with a signature that they threatened to fly to the sea. Subscribers quickly realized that if a part of the family flies, then in the last month of pregnancy Anastasia Deutov remains alone.

Timati left Anastasia Rachetova alone before childbirth and went to the sea:

"How so?!" - they were amazed and began to throw family questions, demanding clarify the situation. The rapper did not respond to the questions, instead of him did the mother and the beloved. Simon explained that this is a working trip. Anastasia supported her and told that the performer flew away, and at the same time he took her mother and her daughter with him so that they rest a little at that time.

However, Folloviers still continued to be perplexed. They asked with care and indignation, and whether Timur is going to attend childbirth. Words that everything under control, they were not convinced: they believe that the model can start giving birth at any moment.

Meanwhile, Racettova, herself published Selfie on his page, which is perfectly visible by a big belly, and allowed fans to ask questions. Of course, they concerned most of the pregnancy and upcoming birth. Anastasia had to calm everyone, promising that she would not give birth now, and during this time a husband, of course, will have time to return.

Of course, he will be present in childbirth. This is the sacrament that the couple should live together,

- she wrote.

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