Charlize Theron replaced Brie Larson in the role of Captain Marvel on fan art


The famous digital artist Bosslogic presented a new fantasy, depicting Charlize Theron in the role of Captain Marvel, which in the film marvel performed by Bree Larson. On his page in Instagram, the illustrator laid out two pictures: on the first thermioner superheroid appears in normal form, and on the other, it seems to activate its superpowers, as they say glowing eyes with white light, as well as flaming blond hair.

Charlize Theron replaced Brie Larson in the role of Captain Marvel on fan art 129380_1

The fans of superhero film cinema would have for the sake of if the thermon really received some vivid role in Marvel films, but the actress itself was previously admitted that such offers had no such proposals. However, in the future, everyone is possible, especially considering the fact that recently the thermon is actively filming in militants. In this regard, it is enough to recall its projects such as "Mad Max: the road of rage", "Fast and Furious" and recently "immortal guard".

Charlize Theron replaced Brie Larson in the role of Captain Marvel on fan art 129380_2

As Brib Larson, she made his debut as Carol Danwers / Captain Marvel only last year, but already received the status of one of the most popular characters Marvel. At first, a separate film "Captain Marvel" was released on the screens, in which the prehistory of the capital heroine was revealed, and a little later Larson returned to this role in the "Avengers: Final", taking part in the victory over Tanos. Sicvel "Captain Marvel" is already in production. The premiere of the picture is scheduled for July 2022.

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