Participants "House 2" will be punished for fighting and treason


The judicial authority is the leading project of Olga Buzova and Ksenia Borodin. Also, the "punishment" will also be able to "punish" the participants - in the framework of the new current show on the project website there will be a "judicial" section, where anyone can send a petition. The appeal that scored more than one thousand likes will be considered by the producers of the project, and the sender's claims will be able to express at the court session at the site.

"The idea of ​​such a format appeared no coincidence. Often, problems and claims that are expressed on the frontal place, and remain within it, without receiving any decision, "Alexey Mikhailovsky said the general producer of" House-2 ". "And often it happens that claims are presented, and no one wants to bear responsibility for them. Now each participant and the viewer may not just sue a complaint with another participant, but also require punishment. The main thing - the participant is guilty or not - they decide collectively! "

It seems that "House 2" at such a pace risks to turn into a completely real version of any "hungry games" - the collective decision of the "sentence" and serving a sentence in a reality show is an unprecedented case.

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