Alena Vodonaeva changed the image and became blonde


The girl often experiments with his appearance: changes style, makeup, hairstyle. It is not afraid to try on brave, sometimes causing images. Somehow, telling about yourself, Alena Vodonaeva admitted that she is a man of mood.

This is how the star "House 2" looks like in a new image of a luxurious blonde:

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Фото опубликовано Alena Vodonaeva (@alenavodonaeva)

Fans clearly appreciated the new color of the star's hair, but many did not like the bright makeup in the photo. The fact is that Alena drew fatty black arrows who look heavy. In the comments to the snapshot, subscribers launched a real discussion about this. "Pretty Woman", "walking horror", "steep hair color, but Mike is awful", "you are very cool with such a laying and hair color. As always on style, "the fans wrote.

It is worth noting that Vodonaeva is a model and sometimes appears as a model on fashion shows, such as Russian Fashion Week, Volvo Fashion Week, etc. Now 33-year-old Alena is actively engaged in cooking for a wedding with entrepreneur Anton Korotkov.

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