"Beyond the truth": the Scandal of Prigogine and Neighborhood is gaining momentum


Recently, Paul's spouse Will Layisan Urty admitted that she had a difficult childhood, and they sometimes had to sit on one buckwheat. The gymnast knows how much money is earned, therefore it is not inclined to large spending, almost does not go through restaurants and purchased on the market. According to her, for a comfortable life, it would be enough for 50 thousand rubles per month.

This statement questioned Iosif Prigogin. The producer stated that they were with Valeria Monthly expenses at least one and a half million rubles. We note, quite recently, in the midst of a pandemic, the prigaine fell into the epicenter of the scandal due to the statement of distinguish artists. And here is a new dispute. If, last time the main opponent of Joseph was Sergey Shnurov, now Sergey Negro came in this role.

The musical critic is perplexed, as in difficult times you can throw such trips when many in the country live not even what they are fifty thousand rubles, but even 10-15 thousand. Neighbors used the phrase about the greatest people, which are more modest compared to the prigine. The last statement did not particularly like the producer, so now he does not exclude the opportunity to sue the offender. He believes that the critic has no right to assess him and Valeria. Joseph spoke that at the sight of his neighbor was sick, because these critics as he was to blame for the underestimation of many artists.

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