"In Moscow, I would have expressed the face": Lolita told that the old woman with a stolen bench was an actress


Lolita Milyavskaya promised to his subscribers that soon they will completely see a short film about a woman with a bench, in which there are still "many amazing moments from the lives of old women." ⠀ But before she admitted to the love of St. Petersburg and thanked the chance that went to the frame Shooting in trolleybus. ⁣⁣ "This can only be removed in this, really intelligent city. In Moscow, I would have patted the face and reports would be different," noted Lolita.

Recall, last week in the scout of the singer appeared a video, in which a certain elderly woman in a fur coat and hat-chalme tried to drag the park bench into public transport. The trolley busement conductor screamed on it and tried to drive out to the street, the woman gave the team to the driver so that he urgently closes the doors, and the passengers were confusedly watched what was happening. ⁣ Milyavskaya in the comments under the roller reported that this ugly scene occurred in St. Petersburg, and numerous media picked up this news and ran into its information programs. ⁣

However, many fans of the artist immediately realized that Lolita itself was the role of ladies with a bench, and advised it to be filmed as often as possible, because it is very colorful and reliable on the set.

Network users also noted the game actresses, who performed the role of the conductor, and stated that the Milyava and her partner should "give Oscar" for this scene. "

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